About me

My name is Priscila da Silva van der Maas and I am a certied coach, specialized in burnout and integration. After living in Brazil and Argentina for a couple of years, I have returned back to the Netherlands where I do what I love most: helping others.

Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the behavior, the stories and the essence of people. Helping others reach their goals and contributing to their personal growth and happiness has always been an important mission in both my personal and professional life.

Because I lived abroad for six years, I experienced rst handedly how dicult it can be to integrate in a dierent culture. I had a few hard years and found myself struggling with adapting to a new context. Everything was dierent than what I was used to and I felt like an outsider. In the Netherlands I see the same thing happening by people that are new here.

Through my coaching (the integration program), I help them to break this negative spiral and to adapt to Dutch society, whilst staying true to themselves. That is something that I personally had to learn too, and which eventually enriched my life. In combination with my education, it allowed me to help others overcome their obstacles and enjoy life more.

In my other program (the stress & burnout program), I help people overcome other kinds of obstacles. As a life coach, I noticed how many people struggle with symptoms of stress and even face burnout without being aware of it. I learned how important it is to acknowledge the symptoms, preferably in an early stage, and decided to specialize in stress & burnout. Now I help others by teaching them the right tools to regain control over their life.

As a coach, I would describe myself as kind, caring and down to earth. My coaching programs are clear and goal oriented: instead of delving into your past, we will make a personal roadmap: what do you want and how do you get there?

Would you like more information or do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to request a free intake!

ICM Opleidingen & Trainingen

Stress & Burn-out coaching, Career Coaching 2020

ICI Integrated Coaching Institute

Life & Executive Coaching 2018-2019